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Mountain vineyards

High altitude wines


The PDO Granada wines

The unique characteristics of a wine region

Half of Granada's vineyards are located at an altitude of over 1,000 metres.

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Our vines have the highest number of sunny days in Europe, which together with their higher altitude receive more solar radiation. Our grapes thus provide a higher percentage of antioxidants and improve the quality of the wine.


Granada has, within the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), a sub-zone; Contraviesa-Alpujarra and three Protected Geographical Indications (PGI): Altiplano de Sierra Nevada, Cumbres del Guadalfeo and Laderas del Genil.
Europe recognizes 16 of these IGP zones, of which 3 are in the province of Granada.

Quality assurance seals

All bottles of the Protected Denomination of Origin Granada carry numbered seals with which consumers are guaranteed that it is a 100% Granada wine and with which they certify that they comply with the production standards of the DOP Granada Regulatory Council.

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An ancient tradition

In recent years, the panorama of Granada wines has radically changed towards the production of quality wines that are widely accepted in the market.

In this success, the adaptation to new winemaking techniques, the implantation of noble grape varieties and the recovery of native jewels, such as the Vijiriega, and the exquisite care of the vine plantations have played a decisive role. Also the good and peculiar geographical characteristics of the province, with vineyards at high altitude, subjected to great climatic contrasts and blessed by abundant sunshine. 

The result is being wines with great personality elaborated with artisan care: fresh and fragrant white wines, tasty reds of great complexity and sparkling wines with fine bubbles and elegant acidity. 


The grape and wine production area covered by the mention "Denomination of Origin Granada" includes the 174 municipalities of the province of Granada in its entirety, coinciding with the provincial demarcation, recognizing the specific sub-area Contraviesa-Alpujarra


The types of wines protected by the Granada Protected Denomination of Origin mention are the following:


  • White, rosé and red wines: which may be dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet, depending on the residual sugar content, in accordance with current regulations.

  • Sparkling wines and quality sparkling wines: may be according to their sugar content expressed as fructose and glucose, including any sucrose, brut nature, extra brut, brut, extra dry, dry, semi-dry and sweet, in accordance with current regulations.

  • Naturally sweet or late harvest wines, applicable to overripe grape wine made without artificially increasing its alcohol content and with the entire alcohol coming from fermentation, with a natural alcoholic strength greater than 15% vol. and an alcoholic strength by volume acquired not less than 13% vol.


The techniques used in the handling of the grape, must and wine, the fermentation control and the preservation process, always have the premise of the highest possible quality that maintain the traditional characteristics of the different types of wines, taking special care of the Obtaining the must, so that the yield does not exceed 65% in red grapes and 70% in white grapes.

The production and storage is carried out in stainless steel tanks and French, American and / or Central European oak barrels of between 225 and 330 liters.

A remarkable feature, which gives a large part of its character, is its fermentation in caves (although not in all cases), since its interior guarantees a more natural and healthy environment than those created by artificial air conditioners and an unalterable constant temperature and lighting.

The techniques used in the handling of the grape, must and wine, the fermentation control and the preservation process, always have the premise of the highest possible quality that maintain the traditional characteristics of the different types of wines, taking special care of the Obtaining the must, so that the yield does not exceed 65% in red grapes and 70% in white grapes.


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