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The Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin GRANADA


Purposes and Functions of the Council

The purposes of the Regulatory Council are the representation, defense, guarantee, training, research, development and innovation of markets and promotion of both the products covered, as well as the quality designation.

For the fulfillment of its purposes, the Regulatory Council will perform the following functions:
a) Propose possible modifications to this Regulation and to the product specification.

b) Choose and, where appropriate, implement the system of control and defense of the name of the appellation of origin.

c) Guide the production and quality as well as the generic promotion of the covered products and inform consumers about these and their specific characteristics, guaranteeing, within the scope of their competences, compliance with the principle of truthfulness and demonstrability of the information that appears on the labeling of products covered by the appellation of origin.

d) Ensure the prestige of the quality designation and compliance with the specific regulations of the product covered, having to report, before the competent administrative and jurisdictional bodies, any incorrect use or non-compliance with both these Regulations and the applicable regulations. .

e) Adopt, where appropriate, within the framework of its specific regulations, the establishment of yields, maximum production, transformation and marketing limits in case of authorization, the form and conditions of irrigation, or any other aspect of the situation. that may influence these processes, according to quality defense and improvement criteria, in accordance with current competition regulations and within the limits set in the specifications.

f) Establish, within the scope of its powers, the requirements that the labeling of the covered products must meet and ensure their compliance.

g) Manage the Registries defined in article 28 of these Regulations.

h) Prepare statistics of production, processing and marketing of the covered products, for internal use and for their dissemination and general knowledge.

i) Prepare and approve the budget for each fiscal year and the settlement for the past fiscal year.

j) Manage the mandatory fees and rights established for its financing in these Regulations.

k) Propose the planning and programming of the control to which each registered person must submit, in each and every one of the phases of production, elaboration and commercialization of the covered products and, where appropriate, the minimum control for the initial concession and for the maintenance of the certification.

l) Collaborate with the competent authorities in agri-food matters in the maintenance of the corresponding official public records, as well as, where appropriate, with the bodies in charge of control.

m) Issue, at the request of the control body or independent control body and after a binding certification report, the certificates of origin of the products in accordance with the specifications.

n) Withdraw, after a binding report from the control body or independent control body, the right to use the quality designation for those products that do not comply with the requirements of the specifications.

ñ) Collaborate with the different public administrations in the preparation, elaboration and application of regulations that affect matters of the quality designation and the product covered, carrying out studies and issuing reports at their request.

o) Where appropriate, perform the control functions established in these Regulations.

p) Organize and convene their electoral processes.

q) Manage publicly owned trademarks, within the scope of their powers, when established by regulation.

r) Prepare, where appropriate, a control plan for registered persons to verify compliance with the obligations referred to in article 6 of Law 2/2011, of March 25, which will be integrated into the Plan of Official Control of Agrifood Quality.

s) The study of the markets, as well as the generic promotion of its wines, in which it must participate, whatever the sponsoring body, without prejudice to the competence of the competent Public Administrations.

t) Act with full legal capacity to be bound and appear in court, both in Spain and abroad, exercising the actions that correspond to it in its mission of representing and defending the general interests of the denomination of origin.

u) Propose to the competent bodies of the Administration the measures it deems necessary for the defense of quality, application of the Regulation, protection of the rights inherent to the appellation of origin, as well as in relation to its promotion and commercialization.

v) Ensure consumer guarantees and fight against fraud, within the scope of its powers.

w) Issue the circulars by which the persons registered in the Registries are informed of the decisions adopted by the Regulatory Council in the exercise of their functions in accordance with the current Regulations, provided that these affect a group of individuals as well as maintain a public and permanent record of them.

x) Promote actions and activities that result in training, both for winegrowers and winemakers, in those aspects that are related to their activity.

y) Carry out actions or activities to regulate and promote the wines covered by the appellation of origin.

z) Any other expressly attributed by the legislation in force.

The decisions adopted by the Regulatory Council with respect to the functions listed in section 2.e), g) and j), may be challenged, administratively, before the Ministry responsible for agricultural matters through the corresponding appeal of appeal, of in accordance with articles 121 and 122 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

Notwithstanding what is stated in the previous sections, the Regulatory Council must comply with the mechanisms established by the competent Ministry in agrarian matters to ensure the guarantee of the purposes and functions established in this article, by virtue of the function guardianship.

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